Intelligent Systems


-On the First Week, its the Introduction week where we meet our lecture that used to teaches us on last semester on the Database’s course. We were told to fill a google form where we were asked about the grade that we we think we will get from this course, what do we expect from this course, and what will we do to achieve our expected grade. We were told to form a group with the maximum of 3 member and for now, I will be working on my own.

-We learnt about both Artificial and Intelligent’s meaning, performance measure, task environment, and agent design architectures.

-On the lab session, we learned back about the basics Python and algorithms such as DFS and BFS.


-We learned about Problem Solving Agent and how to build it, State Spaces, and Search Algorithms.

-We were told to do exercise using BFS, DFS, Depth-limited search, UCS, and IDS

-On the lab session, we learned about the A* algorithm


-On the third week, we learned about the localized searching, Hill Climbing, and Simulated Annealing. We also relearned about what was taught last week which was the A*algorithm and we also learned about the Greedy Algorithm.

-We were told to do exercise using the A* algorithm and Brute force algorithms to solve the TSP(Traveling Salesman Problem).


-On the forth week, we learned about Adversarial Search such as AI Games, Game Playing as Search. We also learned about Minimax Algorithm, and Alpha-Beta pruning

-We were told to do exercise using the Minimax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning on a tree. We were also told to do another exercise such as drawing a tree of a TicTacToe game condition and more.


-On the fifth week, we learned about the Uncertainty Reasoning.We also learn about the type of Machine Learning where there is two kind of learning which was supervised and unsupervised learning.and we also learned about the Naive Bayes classifier

-We were told to do exercise using Naive Bayes classifier to divide a table whether the animal in the table are classified as mammals or not. and also by using the same classifier, we were told to decide another table whether a person should play tennis or not.



-On the sixth week, we learned from observation.we also relearned about the last week’s material about the supervised and unsupervised learning. Then we learn about the Clustering Technique about how an AI can decide 2 things or more by using clustering, and we also learned about the K-means algorithm.

-We were told to do exercise using the K-means algorithm to do clustering on a table.


-On the seventh week, we learned about the Apriori or Association rule mining.we learned how to use it in our daily life like buying things in the supermarket.

-We were told to do an exercise to find the frequent item sets and the association rules using Apriori algorithm.

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